白良浜での美しいマジックアワーからナイトタイムを満喫できるよう、光とゆったりとしたアンビエントミュージックで織りなす演出と、10分毎に音楽とカラフルな照明の演出を行い、冬の白良浜を光と音で彩ります。 約3分間のアップテン…
Shirara Beach Seaside Illumination "SHIRARAHAMA LIGHT PARADE by FeStA LuCe" starts on October 26, 2024!
白良浜ライトパレード実行委員会は延長620mに渡る白砂の浜を光と音で彩るライトアッププロジェクト「SHIRARAHAMA LIGHT PARADE by FeStA LuCe」を2024年10月26日(土)より開催いたします。このライトアッププロジェクトは株式会社タカショーデジテックがプロデュース企業として、また株式会社アワーズが協力協賛企業として両社の同じ思いで実現。ライトアップ演出はフェスタ・ルーチェ実行委員会が行います。
The Shirahama Light Parade Executive Committee will hold the "SHIRARAHAMA LIGHT PARADE by FeStA LuCe" a lighting project that will illuminate the 620-meter-long Shirara Beach with light and sound starting on Saturday, October 26, 2024.
Takasho Digitec Co., Ltd. is the producing company and AWS Co., Ltd. is the cooperating sponsor for this lighting project, which was made possible by the same desire of both companies.
And the Festa Luce Executive Committee will handle the lighting performance.
From the beautiful magic hour on Shirara Beach through the night time, to the performance woven with lights and relaxing music, as well as with colorful lighting effects and up-tempo music for about 3 minutes every 15 minutes, Shirara Beach in winter will be decorated with lights and sounds.
The event will be held for days, from Saturday, October 26, 2024 to Friday, February 28, 2025.
During that four-month period, the 620-meter-long Shirara Beach will be decorated with light and sound to create an immersive space.
2024.10.26 Sat‐2025.2.28 Fri
この言葉には「ライトを点灯する」という意味だけでなく「Light you up!」(あなたを照らす・輝かせる)、「Light me up!」(私自身を照らす・輝かせる)、「Light up wakayama!」(和歌山を照らす・輝かせる)」といったように、このプロジェクトに関わる方が、楽しく生き生きと輝けるように、という願いを込めています。
These phrases not only mean 'turn on the lights' but also 'Light you up! means shine you up', and 'Light me up! means shine myself up', and 'Light up wakayama! means shine Wakayama!, It is our hope that those involved in this project will be happy, lively, and bright.
Five forces of light = Aesthetics, Functionality, Safety, Security and Value.
Light has five powers: aesthetics, functionality, safety, crime prevention, and value. Not only does it make things look beautiful, but by illuminating them brightly, it also protects safety at night and serves as a crime prevention measure. Also, in terms of infrastructure, it makes it easier to create events, etc., and value is created there. The light will bring people together, make the city more lively, and revitalize traffic. This is where various stories are sure to be told. I am sure that the establishment of light infrastructure will bring about a chemical reaction that will create various times and memories, such as eating delicious food and talking with each other, enjoying the beautiful illuminations, and so on.
The first step towards the future.
From impossible to possible and making lively!
If you have any questions about SHIRARAHAMA LIGHT PARADE by FeStA LuCe, please do not hesitate to contact us.